The Role of Governments and All Stakeholders in the Promotion of Information Society Development in the CIS Countries
HOHLOV Yuri Evgenyevich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering ; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute of the Information Society; Chairman of the Editorial Board, Information Society Journal
SHAPOSHNIK Sergey Borisovich
Head of Directorate of Information Society Development Monitoring, Institute of the Information Society; Senior Research Fellow, Vavilov Institute of Science and Technology History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Focusing on the cooperation of the government and all stakeholders to ensure the conditions for the information society development, the authors presented the results of the monitoring based on international criteria, which was conducted in the CIS countries in 2015. The criteria included the availability and quality of policies and programs of the information society development, the importance of ICT in the government vision of the future, the success of the government in ICT promotion, the use of multi-stakeholder partnerships mechanism, the availability of venture capital. It is shown that the processes of the information society development in different CIS countries are uneven. Based on the assessment of current situation, the recommendations for the supranational CIS bodies and the governments of the Commonwealth countries were made.
Keywords: Strategy and program of the information society development, national e-strategies, taking into account national peculiarities, public-private partnerships, multilateral partnership, CIS Member States, venture capital.
Access to the Information and Knowledge in the CIS Member States
ERSHOVA Tatiana Viktorovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences; General Director, Institute of the Information Society; Editor-in-Chief, Information Society Journal
The article analyzes the situation with widely understood access to the information and knowledge in the CIS countries in view of the global trends. Various aspects of free access to information through modern communication means in accordance with the WSIS recommendations are considered. The assessment of the situation in different countries is done according to a strict set of relevant indicators.
Keywords: Inclusive information society, access to information and knowledge, World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS, open systems and open standards, bridging the gap in access to information, the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS, government transparency, software market, long-term preservation of digital heritage.
Enabling Institutional Environment as a Factor of the Information Society Development in the CIS Countries
YUREVICH Maxim Andreevich
Junior Researcher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Postgraduate Student, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
The article studies the key aspects of an enabling institutional environment for the evolution of the ICT sector in the CIS Member States. A comparative analysis of the achievements of these countries in ensuring ICT legislation improvement, property rights and intellectual property protection, judicial independence, competition in the local markets, optimization of the overall tax burden on enterprises. In the final part of the work the conclusions and recommendations for improving the enabling environment for the information society development are formulated.
Keywords: information society, institutional environment, ICT, intellectual property.
ICT Infrastructure in the CIS Countries
GURBANOV Galib Islam Ogly
Chairman, Azerbaijan Internet Society; member of the Supervisory Board, State ICT Development Fund; member of the Expert Council of the High Technologies Park (Republic of Azerbaijan)
The article analyzes the state and development of ICT infrastructure in the countries of the Commonwealth of the Independent States. Comparative assessment of data along different indicators is conducted. The leaders and outsiders in the field of ICT infrastructure development, which is the necessary basis of the information society, are identified.
Keywords: Commonwealth of the Independent States, CIS, ICT infrastructure, WSIS Action Plan, access to ICT, public-private partnership.
E-Employment in the CIS Countries
RIZMANOVA Louisa Musulmanovna
Head of International Cooperation and Public Relations Department, Institute of the Information Society; leading specialist, IIS Base Department for the Information Society Development at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article analyzes the development of e-employment in the CIS Member States and the use of ICT in the field of labor and employment. It provides a comparative analysis of the development of this sector in the CIS countries, taking into account the implementation of WSIS outcomes, as well as examples of the implementation of information systems to provide remote assistance to citizens in employment. The author presents conclusions and recommendations for the development of e-employment in the countries and implementation of regional and international cooperation in this direction.
Keywords: E-employment, CIS Member States, WSIS Action Plan, self-employment, telecommuting, job vacancies database, job market, information portal on employment.
E-Agriculture in the CIS Member States
Since agriculture is an important factor of economic development and stability in many countries, the use of ICT and bridging the digital divide in this area is one of the priorities of the WSIS Action Plan. The article analyzes the state of e-agriculture development in the CIS countries, as well as a comparative analysis along a set of indicators. Strategic documents adopted at the national and regional levels are considered, and recommendations for the e-agriculture development in the countries and international cooperation in this field are made.
Keywords: E-agriculture, digital divide, sustainable development, content, digital literacy, ICT applications.
E-Environment in the CIS Countries
Main areas of ICT application for environment protection and major trends in this area are described. The situation in e-environment in the CIS is presented, recommendations for its improvement are formulated.
Keywords: environment protection, ICT, “green” technologies, e-waste, the Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS.
Human Capital as a Factor of the Information Society Development in the CIS Countries
The article analyzes the human potential for development of the information society in the CIS countries. The analysis is conducted in terms of the recommendations made in the Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit on the Summit on the Information Society, using the indicators defined by the World Economic Forum as well as expert estimates derived from the survey of information and communication technologies in Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is noted that the general problem of the CIS countries is the lack of attention to human capacity-building as a factor of the information society development and bridging the digital divide.
Keywords: Commonwealth of the Independent States, CIS, information society, World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS, human capital, ICT knowledge and skills, digital divide, e-education.
E-Government Development in the CIS Countries
The article analyzes potential of ICT use in public administration with a view to sustainable development through the efficient and economical delivery of public services, ensuring of government transparency and citizen engagement in governance. It describes the trends of e-government development in the CIS countries in the last decade, the prospects for cooperation in this field, including e-government infrastructure, with a focus on the priority actions on the exchange of best practices and the implementation of joint projects in the field of e-government.
Keywords: E-government, WSIS Action Plan, CIS Member States, open data, online state services, e-engagement.
E-Learning Development in the CIS countries
ELIZAROV Aleksandr Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department of Differential Equation, Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Kazan (Volga) Federal University
ELIZAROVA Rimma Uzbekovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Leading Researcher, a Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books, National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan
The article presents analyses of development and use of information and communication technologies for educational purposes in the Member States of the CIS based on national strategic planning documents and statistical data. Modern global trends in e-learning and the main directions of the Commonwealth policy in this area are outlined.
Keywords: Information and communication technologies, ICT, ICT infrastructure, e-learning, Internet training, open education systems, open educational resources, scientific and educational computer networks, World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS.
E-Health Development in the CIS Countries
SIMAKOV Oleg Vladimirovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher; Actual 3rd Class Counselor of State of the Russian Federation; CEO, Health Modeling Technologies; Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Digital Infrastructure Management Department, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”; Member of the Expert Council on the Use of ICT in Healthcare, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
KONDRATIEV Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher; Chief Specialist, Directorate of Regional Programs, Institute of the Information Society; Associate Professor, IIS Base Department for the Information Society Development at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article considers the issues of ICT use in the field of health care and main trends of e-health development in the CIS countries. The results of analysis of the strategic planning documents and ICT introduction and development programs in the field of healthcare are presented. The recommendations on improvement and coordination of the CIS countries activities in the field of e-health are formulated.
Keywords: E-health, telemedicine, information and communication technologies (ICT), cloud computing technology, information systems, interoperability, international standards, cross-border exchange.
E-Science in the CIS countries
Based on the national strategic planning documents and statistical data, the development and use of ICT in the field of science in the CIS Member States is analyzed. The modern global trends in e-science and the main directions of the Commonwealth policy in this area are characterized.
Keywords: E-science, information and communication technologies, ICT, ICT infrastructure, GRID infrastructure, big data, scientific and educational computer networks (NRENs), broadband channels, technologies of distributed large volumes of information processing, World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS.
Strengthening Trust and Security in the Use of ICTs in the CIS Countries
Director, Public Fund “Civil Initiative on Internet Policy”
Deputy Director on Information Technology, Public Fund “Civil Initiative on Internet Policy”
In this article the authors attempt to make a comparative analysis of the implementation of the WSIS Plan of Action in the field of building trust and security in the use of ICT in the CIS countries. The empirical basis is the data collected by the National Infocommunication Holding “Zerde”, the basic organization of CIS Member States, which provides methodological, organizational and technical support the studies conducted in the field of ICT.
Keywords: WSIS, CIS, trust and security in the field of ICT, electronic transactions, cyberspace, cyber security, information security.