
Data is the Fuel of Digital Economy

Andrea DI MAIO

Managing Vice-President, Gartner Research

The differences between the electronic and digital government are outlined in the interview. The role of open data in the Digital Economy is assessed and the growing problem of data security is highlighted. The accent is made on the fact that the Digital Government is an integral part of the Digital economy. Main trends of business processes development in the sphere of state government and in the development of public administration technologies are discussed. It is emphasized that in the outcome of the Digital Economy program should be the GDP growth and the grows of jobs.

Keywords: digital government, data, transformation of services, transactions, monitoring, measuring of digital economy, measuring of digital government, artificial intelligence, blockchain, identification, security management, agility, agile.

Managing the Balance of Strategy and Tactics in Digital Enterprises and Electronic Governments Implementation

ZINDER Evgeny Zakharovich

Chairman of the Board, Non-Profit Foundation for Support of System Design, Standardization and Project Management (FOSTAS)

The problems of electronic government development, digital transformation of enterprises and economic systems are considered. The substitution of strategy by tactic, the activities that harm the implementation of the strategy, the rigidity of strategies and tardy detection of their unfitness are defined as the causes of the problems. To solve these problems, a strategy and tactics management framework is proposed, which includes: formulation of a strategy that separates it from politics and tactics; definition of an adequate scope and meaningful goals of the strategy; definition of the categories of tactical actions and the nature of their conflict with the strategy; decision making procedure in resolving conflicts and preserving the strategy, as well as modification of the strategy or general policy.

Keywords: strategy, tactics, policy, strategy management, agile management.

Building Network Structures within the Doctrine of National Consolidation:

Risks and Economic Aspects of Security

GOLOSKOKOV Leonid Viktorovich

Doctor of Juridical Sciences; Professor, Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

The article describes the possibility of establishing network structures, which are one of the important technical elements of the doctrine of national consolidation. The author suggests methods of building networks, analyzes some security issues, estimates some of the risks.

Keywords: networks, doctrine of national consolidation, risk analysis, economic security.

Social World of the Personality in the Virtual Networks Era

MARARITSA Larisa Valeryevna

Candidate of Psychological Sciences; Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Saint Petersburg State University

TITOV Sergey Mikhaylovich

Junior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


Virtual social networks are an essential part of the modern information society. The influence of this technology on a person’s social life is yet to be evaluated. The aim of our study is to give a well-rounded overview of virtual communication phenomena studies and to analyze the influence of such phenomena on structure and quality of a network of personal contacts as well as possibilities provided by the social networks. For the first time, the phenomenon of “social penmanship” is described in Russian. On the one hand, this means presence of some invariants in the social environment of a person, and on the other hand, the stability of the individual pattern of social ties. The results of recent studies are reviewed, which show that a person’s social and cognitive limitations work in virtual reality.

Key words: social psychology of virtual communication, social networks, personal network structure, “social penmanship”

Improving E-Democracy Tools with the Use of Collective Intelligence Technology

PROTASOV Vladislav Ivanovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Head of the Department for Research and Application of Collective Intelligence Systems, Institute of Physical and Technical Informatics (NGO); Associate Professor, National University of Science and Technology MISiS; Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

SLAVIN Boris Borisovich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Academic Supervisor, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, and Professor, Department of Business Informatics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

This paper discusses the possibility of using modern technology of collective intelligence for improving e-democracy. Technologies of collective intelligence are an alternative to crowdsourcing and imply the use of self-developing communities in order to organize group intellectual activity. Using the method of evolutionary solutions matching as an example, the authors show how collective intelligence technology can be used to ensure inclusion, which means wide involvement of citizens in real governance.

Keywords: collective intelligence technology, collective intelligence, crowdsourcing, electronic democracy, digital economy.

On Smart Cities Standards

NAMIOT Dmitry Evgenyevich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Senior Researcher, Open Information Technologies Lab, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Standards in the field of Smart City cover different aspects of the large settlements functioning. This article is devoted to the analysis of standards related to information and communication technologies. It is an extended version of our report presented at the International Congress “SMART RUSSIA 2016”. The role of Internet of Things standards in Smart Cities and various approaches to the implementation of realizing the Smart City platforms are consider here. The paper discusses the proposed international standards for Smart Cities and compares them with the approaches presently prevailing in the domestic practice.

Keywords: Smart Cities, Internet of Things, standards.

Hyper-Network Theory (HNT) and Interdisciplinary Integration of Cognitive and Social Sciences

MIKHAYLOV Igor Feliksovich

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences; Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The brain neuronetwork and social networks are structurally similar: both are composed of elements capable of performing simple functions and “weighing” their connections with neighboring elements. Both have the cognitive superstructures: cognitive brain modules and cognitive social networks. There is an interface between them, which is responsible for the dynamic interaction between the two networks. That is language. The ‘network paradigm’ has every reason to claim the role of the transdisciplinary methodology applied to the study of both consciousness and society.

Keywords: network, neuron, social network, cognitive science, interface, mind, language, network society.

Visual Analysis of E-Government for Strategic and Spatial Planning

RAYKOV Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Leading Researcher, Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences

An increasingly important role in the e-government development is assigned to the intelligent technologies and visualization tools as they allow making one-step and holistic representation of the problem situation in the process of strategic and territorial planning. The development of these tools has found its embodiment in the research of the phenomena of situational awareness, convergent management, and cognitive models verification on the base of Big Data analyses. This work highlights consideration of the emotional and transcendental layers of consciousness in decision-making.

Keywords: cognitive models verification, visual analytics, convergent management, situational awareness, strategic and territorial planning, transcendence, emotions.