
Social and Cultural Aspects of E-Development

Olga Nikolaevna VERSHINSKAYA

Doctor of Economics, Head of the Laboratory of Social Issues of Information Society Development, Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The main characteristics of the period we live in are changes and transformations. New lifestyles and consumption models are coming into being, global transfer of cultural, social and economic activities of individuals in the virtual place are taking place. We have considered the growing part of cultural and psychological factors in online development. The increasing role of information as a factor of change has been shown. We have considered kinds of cultural influence on ICT expansion that are studied in Europe, as well as main cultural and psychological characteristics of economic development. Unlike the industrial society, the information society shifts the emphasis on consumption and consumers, and first of all online consumers, i.e., ICT users. The need of “directed” online development, the need to establish the system of rules and restrictions of online activities is observed. The need to develop social technologies of engaging citizens in the information society has been substantiated.

Key words

Cultural interaction, cultural and psychological characteristics of economic development, ICT users, information as a factor of change, directed online development, social technologies of citizens’ empowerment.

Innovative Hypercompetition in the Global Information Economy System

DYATLOV Sergey Alekseevich

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, St. Petersburg State University of Economics


Substantiation is given for the authorial cross-disciplinary methodological approach, called neo-economical synthesis, to the investigation of the innovative hypercompetition, disclosure of its essence, analysis of its particular manifestations. A number of new concepts are introduced into the scientific practice and their subject is disclosed, such as “innovative hypercompetition”, “target development dominant”, “dominant competitive advantage”, “institutional gaps”, “synergic integrated effect”. The necessity of transition to a new development model is substantiated, which is stipulated by the transition to the sixth info-technological pattern and defined as innovative and hypercompetitive economy with innovative and synergic development dominant and the appropriate mechanism for macro-regulation.

Key words

Hypercompetition, information economy, globalization, innovations, theory of innovative hypercompetition, global company, institutional gaps, synergic integrated effect, target development dominant.

Provision of E-Services in the Regions of Russia

AKATKIN Yuriy Mikhailovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Semiconducting Engineering Design Office”, ROSTEC State Corporation


The current state of online communication of automated information systems (AISs) rendering state and municipal services throughout the country is considered. A system of public services transfer (SPST) into an electronic format is suggested. A software and hardware gateway, namely the Interagency Electronic Interaction Agent (IEIA) has been described to enable the participation of all necessary AISs in the Interagency Electronic Interaction System (IEIS), including those that do not match up-to-date interaction requirements or are not registered in IEIS.

Key words

Public services, municipal services, preparing online services, automated information system, AIS, electronic interaction, software and hardware gateway.

Analysis of Information Risks of Virtual Infrastructures in Health Protection

BULDAKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of Information Security Chair, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

SUYATINOV Sergey Igorevich

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor at the Scientific and Educational Complex “Radio Electronics, Laser and Medical Technology”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

MIKOV Dmitriy Aleksandrovich

Master’s Degree Student of Information Security Chair, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

The article examines variants of construction of virtual infrastructures in the health protection system and sets the problem of determining some information risks of the virtual center for health protection. To resolve this problem, the IDEF0 methodology was used, which made a basis for a functional IDEF0-model of the virtual center for health protection. An analysis of business processes and information streams was done, vulnerable spots and defects in the functioning of the information system were determined. A complex of countermeasures for reduction of information risk was proposed.

Key words

Information risks, health protection, virtual systems, personal information, IDEF0 methodology.

Monitoring of Statistical Indicators System for the State Program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”

SADOVNIKOVA Nаtalya Alekseevna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory of Statistics and Forecasting, Moscow State University of Economics and Statistics

KLOCHKOVA Elena Nikolaevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Statistics and Forecasting, Moscow State University of Economics and Statistics

The article suggests some methodological approaches to the creating a system of indicators for the information and communication technologies sphere in the Russian Federation based on the State Program “Information society”, the Report on Results and Main Activities of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and Projects Related to the Main Activities of the Government. A methodology and algorithm of calculation of the main indicators for the system of modern ICT infrastructure development are presented.


Information society, Information and Communication Technologies, e-government.

LEGCHAKOV Klim Evgenievich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Statistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Curator of ERP Systems Implementation Projects of Gazprom Inform Ltd.

Information Society Statistics Conceptual Model in Russia and Abroad

The article considers a conceptual model for the statistics of the information society described in the international statistics standard called Guide to Measuring the Information Society, 2011, OECD. The article compares history of development of this conceptual model in Russia and worldwide. Russia is asserted to have played the role of successor in this field until recently. Rationale of the research is accounted not only by forced development of the information society concept, but by the need of prompt statistics monitoring of such society.

Key words

Information society, information society statistics conceptual model.

© Информационное общество, 2013 вып. 4, с. 69-71.