

Bushuev Alexei Vladimorovich

Deputy Governor of the Yaroslavl Region

Technology is primarily a management tool and the improvement of any type of activity

Entry into the information era demands not only an electronic state, but also an electronic citizen. The Yaroslavl Region is a leader in terms of a number of e-development indicators, including those in education and museum industry. Centers of competence are an important tool for such development. Through ICT use in public administration, performance discipline is being enhanced, processes are becoming more transparent and their sequences are being optimized. As a whole, ICT promote improvement of different fields of activity – the state and municipal governance, business, education, healthcare.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, electronic government, state and municipal governance, education, medicine, culture, centres of competence.

James E. Katz

PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Communication

Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Communication Perspectives on Social Networking and Citizen Journalism Challenges to Traditional Newspapers. Part I

Communication perspectives are presented on the challenges posed to traditional newspapers by social media and citizen journalism, with special reference to the United States. This is an important topic given the critical role investigative reporting, long the domain of newspapers, plays in fostering democratic practices. New Media and social networking technology are evaluated in terms of their impact on the newspaper enterprise. Alternative scenarios for future developments are examined as are the implications for social values and the role of an informed citizenry in democratic society. Strategic management issues are analyzed, and the possibility is considered that social media can fulfill much of the democracy-enhancing role served traditionally by newspapers.

Keywords: newspapers, news industry, social media, social networks, democracy, journalism.

Lebedintseva Lyubov Alexandrovna

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology

St. Petersburg State University (SPSU)

Characteristics of the Reproduction of Intellectual Potential and Innovative Intellectual Work: Russia’s Experience

The article makes emphasis on the analysis of modern common factors in the reproduction of intellectual potential. It is noted that the latter along with the implementation of innovative work is taking place amidst changes to the institutional activity framework in the information economy. Material and financial support of scientific and research activity in modern Russia is highlighted as the weakest point.

Keywords: intellectual potential, research work, research funding, innovative and active enterprises.

Grum-Grzhimajlo Yurij Vladimirovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Head, Funding Mechanisms and Forms of Organising Research

Federal State-Owned Budgetary Institution Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (RIEPL)

Sergeeva Vladlena Vladimirovna

Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Scientometrics and Research Statistics at RIEPL

Investment Policy in an Information Society

In forming an information society and developing an information sector of the economy, which facilitates the development of traditional industries, a rational investment policy is needed, or an investment strategy and an investment climate created from such a strategy. In order to develop such a policy it is useful to study the experience of countries driving global development, including not only advanced economies, but also successful emerging economies such as Brazil, India, China and others. Investment policy should be an instrument for the Russian model of information society development in order to reduce the gap between Russia and global leaders. An investment strategy needs to be elaborated for our society with a strong emphasis on national targets, interests and capabilities.

Keywords: investment policy, information society, information sector of the economy, investment strategy, information sector development indicators, national priorities.

Lazareva Lyudmila Ivanovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy

Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts

Honoured General Education Worker of the Russian Federation

The Contents of Forming an Information Culture of a University Graduate in the Context of New Federal State Standards in the Higher Professional Education in Russia

The article analyzes the content of general competencies of undergraduate educational programmes and components of the information culture of students. An invariant of the curriculum for the course The Basics of Information Personal Culture and mechanisms for its implementation in the educational process of a university is proposed.

Keywords: information culture of students, general competencies of education programmes, specialist competency, information competency, information world view.

Kolin Konstantin Konstantinovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences


Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of Informatics Problems

the Russian Academy of Sciences

Khoroshilov Alexander Alekseevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Head Research Fellow of the Institute of Informatics Problems

Russian Academy of Sciences

The Problem of Multilingualism in an Information Society and New Intelligent Translation Technologies

The article considers the issue of ensuring multilingualism in the linguistic area of the global information society. Its relation to other global problems in the development of modern civilization is shown, as well as ways of solving the problems based on intelligent technologies created in Russia for the automated translation of texts. An action plan is proposed to implement an international project aimed at resolving this issue.

Keywords: global problems, information poverty, information culture, linguistic culture, machine translation, international cooperation.

Erkin Andrey Vasilyevich

Postgraduate student of the Department of Sociology

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Volgograd Academy of Public Administration

The Concepts of “Information” and “Information Security”: from an Industrial Society to an Information Society

The article reveals the changing nature of the concepts of “information” and “information security” in the context of the historic transition from an industrial society to an information society. The author’s approach of interpreting these concepts in terms of the “aim” and “means” of control that is presented in this paper enables latent connections and trends of modern society to be identified. Justification is given for the transformation of information and information security from necessary elements of control to a foundation of a new social (information) paradigm.

Keywords: information, information security, information society.

© Информационное общество, 2012 вып. 1, с. 78-80.