Forward to the Information Society 2.0!
HOHLOV Yuri Evgenyevich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Full Member of the Russian Engineering Academy
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute of the Information Society
Fifteen-year history of IIS activities allows to sum up some results, estimate the fidelity of the chosen concept and the organizational form of the Institute. Experience gained testifies to efficiency both of interdisciplinary approach to studying perspective of the information society and organizing the activities in a form of projects. Obviously, vision of information society as strategic line of development at global, national and regional and corporative levels has justified itself. Aspiration to achieve its goals and to be the leader in thу information society development area, while implementing the projects to correspond to world level and even to surpass it – those were the most important success factors of IIS activitiy.
Key words:
Telecommunications, information and communication technologies, digital media, content, information society development, infoDev program.
Next-Generation Innovative Economy as a Global Information System
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Informatization Academy
Deputy Chairman of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for Product Quality
Today the synonym of innovative economy is knowledge economy, which implies using and analyzing vast arrays of information resources without any restrictions in time and space; formalized description of all objects, subjects and communications involved in managing vital functions of social and economic area; enabling regulatory (both legal and technical) interaction of all society entities (individuals and legal entities) in accordance with the established rules; ensuring set standards of quality of life. The article defines this type of economy as “next-generation innovative economy”. The author attempts to demonstrate that its principles can be brought to life, provided it is considered as a global information system.
innovations, innovative economy, critical technologies, institutional transformations, global information system, single communications environment, venture business, process-based management pattern.
Methodology of Audit of IT Infrastructure of Public Authorities
Aleksandr Vasilievich EVTYUSHKIN
Head of Directorate of Prospective Projects, ANO Institute of the Information Society
Methodology of audit of IT infrastructure of public authorities is suggested. The audit purpose is determining input data for planning IT infrastructure development. IT infrastructure is considered as a set of regulatory, organizational tools (including HR support) and technology tools (a set of hardware and software tools). The major audit task is defined as assessment of compliance of IT infrastructure of public authorities with its goals, tasks, and operating processes. The proposed methodology has been tried and tested when conducting audit of IT infrastructure of the Ministry of Sport.
IT infrastructure, public authorities, architectural approach, audit, assessment.
Socio-Cultural Adaptation in Computer Gaming Space
Doctor of Philosophy
Associate Professor of the Department of Logics of St. Petersburg State University
While identifying leisure as one of the main spaces where socio-cultural adaptation of a person takes place, one should note ever increasing role information and communication technologies play in this sphere of human existence. Global informatization processes have actively intruded in the leisure area through computer games. Modern young people engagement in these games imposes certain restrictions on shaping individual culture. The article analyzes impact of computer games on shaping socio-cultural characteristics of a person, identifies main problems and prompts their solutions.
Key words: information culture; socio-cultural adaptation; information society; computer games; information and communication technologies.
Implementing the Exterritoriality Principle in the Provision of Public and Municipal Services (Case of Rostov Region)
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Innovations in Government Authorities, Government of the Rostov Region
Yuriy Yuryevich CHERNYSH
Deputy Head of the Department of Innovations in Government Authorities – Head of the Department of Public Services, Government of the Rostov Region
Natalya Aleksandrovna MALYSHEVA
Postgraduate Student of the South Russian Institute (Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration); Chief Specialist of the Department of Public Services, Government of the Rostov Region
One of the ways to enhance availability of public and municipal services for citizens is implementing the exterritoriality principle, i.e., rendering services to the applicants irrespective of place of their registration or location of real estate property. In the Rostov Region, this mechanism is one of the top priorities in developing the regional network of multi-functional centers of public and municipal services (MFCs). Exterritoriality of services is achieved through implementing legal, financial, organizational and technology-based mechanisms of interaction of multi-functional centers of different municipal bodies.
Key words: exterritoriality principle, multi-functional centers of public and municipal services (MFCs).
Methodology Background of Information System and Security System Lifecycles Combining
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Assistant professor and senior research fellow, V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
The paper shows that single integrated representation of the information system and its security system as OSE/RM model enables combining lifecycles of both systems. It describes a number of tasks and models that make up the methodology background of their joint development. The article presents the flow diagram and the operation algorithm of a computer security system of the protected item throughout the lifecycle.
Key words: security system lifecycle, Open Systems Environment model, business process, security, protected item
Informatization in a Region’s Sustainable Development System
Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science and Regional Management Problems, Kabardino-Balkar Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Temirzhan Khautievich IVANOV
Head of the Department of Automation and Informatization of Regional Management Systems, Institute of Information Science and Regional Management Problems, Kabardino-Balkar Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alim Liuanovich GUBZHOKOV
External PhD student, Institute of Information Science and Regional Management Problems, Kabardino-Balkar Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article analyzes state of informatization in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, calculates information society readiness index, reveals interconnection between the state of informatization and sustainable development of the region.
Key words: region, informatization, index, sustainable development, gross regional product.
© Информационное общество, 2013 вып. 5, с. 67-69.