

It Is Important to Preserve Whatever the Internet has Brought to Our Life


PhD in Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor in Computing Architecture, the Board Member of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), CEO of the Brazilian Network Information Center (NIC.br)

The origins of the Internet in Brasil; the contributions of Brazilian government and academic institutions as well as international organizations, and the institutions of multistakeholder Internet governance in the country are discussed in this interview.

Keywords: Brazil, Internet, academic network, RNP, CGI.br, NIC.br, ICANN, IGF, multistakeholder governance, Internet governance, WISIS, NETmundial, domain, register domain names.

Methodology of Assessment of Compliance of a Public (Municipal) Government Authority’s Activities with the Legal Acts and Regulations of the Russian Federation in the Exercise of Information and Technological Provision (Support) of Its Activities

BRILL Denis Valerievich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Full member of the Russian
Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the International Academy of Information
Technology, Member of the Russian Union of Writers

ERSHOVA Tatiana Viktorovna

Candidate of Economics, Director General of the Institute of the Information Society, Editor-in-Chief of the journal ’’Information Society’’

KONDRATYEV Vladimir Alekseevich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of Research and Analytical Work of the Institute of the Information Society

MOSKALYOV Sergey Aleksandrovich

Leading Analyst of the Institute of the Information Society

Deputy Director of Research and Analytical Work of the Institute of the Information Society

PADZHEV Valentin Valentinovich

Senior Analyst of the Institute of the Information Society

HOLODOV Aleksey Dmitrievich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Russian Research Institute of Computer Science and Informatics

HOHLOV Yuri Evgenievich

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy,

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Information Society

SHAPOSHNIK Sergey Borisovich

Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Information Society, Head of the Directorate for Information Society Development Monitoring IIS, Senior Researcher, Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology


The article presents the rationale and a release version of methodology for assessing compliance with the law, efficiency and effectiveness of budget spending by federal public authorities, public authorities of the regions of the Russian Federation and local governments (municipalities) in the exercising of establishment, implementation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to provide their activities under the law.

Key words: ICT, public authorities, state financial control, budget control, expenditures for ICT, information and technological activities, balanced system of indicators, strategic maps, risk-based approach.

Russian E-Government as the System of Systems

AKATKIN Yury Mikhaylovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Department of Semiconductor Engineering", State Corporation "Russian Technologies"

DROZHZHINOV Vladimir Ivanovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chairman of Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Competence Center for eGovernment "

KONYAVSKIYI Valery Abramovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Information Protection, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Scientific Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise"All-Russian Research Institute of Computer Science and Information"

System of systems notion goes up to the “network-centric concept” of integrating information of different branches of troops through underwater, ground, air and aerospace communications designed to coordinate and victoriously run joint operations in the global war theatres. There are reasons to believe that Russia has grown up to creating similar nationwide e-government systems. With this system-of-systems approach in place, the process of developing system capabilities to electronically render state and municipal services and the system mechanisms will be truly optimized, which is currently the most important task of the Russian government.

Key words: System of systems, e-government, Russia, providing electronic services.

Recursive Complexity of Techno-Social Systems as Social Risks Driver

ORLOV Dmitriy Evgenyevich

Graduate student, Chair of Social Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities

The article considers unpredictable outgrowth of modern complex systems (financial markets, Internet social networks etc.) and shows that traditional tools are irrelevant to describe them whether socially or cybernetically. Proceeding from the systems theory of N. Luhmann, the author suggests shifting the research focus to searching for recursive models of complex technical special objects.

Key words: Technical social systems, social risks, social networks, recursive models.

Shaping the Information Environment as the Basis of the Region Sustainable Development (the Kamchatka Region Case Study)

Galina Vladimirovna PETRUK

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Economics and Management Chair of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Olga Igorevna SHESTAK

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Economics and Management Chair of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Information environment is the development foundation of modern economic systems and an integral part of the production infrastructure of any region. The article analyzes state of the information environment of the Kamchatka Region. It highlights main issues of development of the regional information environment of the Kamchatka Region and defines strategic lines of its further development.

Key words: the Kamchatka Region, information environment, informatization, information communications technologies, ICT, Geographic Information Systems.

From Information Disorientation to Superficial Consumption of Information

ILYIN Aleksey Nikolayevich

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Practical Philosophy, Omsk State Teacher’s Training University

The article asserts that in today’s information society, the monumental truths are losing their initial value. They are replaced with meta-stories and meta-narrations, whose legitimization is challenged. Information multidimensionality relates not with reality, but rather with our perception of reality, split and deconstructed. It turns out difficult for an individual to adapt to the information mayhem, which affects the state of his / her consciousness and gives rise to the superficial information consumption phenomenon.

Key words: Hyper informatisation, information consumption, consumerism.

Development of specific network genres of communication

BOCHAROVA Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Assistant professor of Chair of Informatics of the Pacific National University (Khabarovsk)

High speed of communication processes provided by internet is one of characteristics of the information society as a new stage of human civilization development. By replacing direct communication with artificially created forms of mediated interaction the global network provides for development of internet communities – assorted social communities, inside which the processes of development of specific genres of communication are actively implemented. The article provides analysis of peculiarities of spoken language generated by internet and distinguishes its main distinctive features. The conclusions are supplemented by the results of a sociological research conducted by the author in 2011-2013.

Key words: communication, network communication, internet-forum, weblish, language behaviour.

Virtual Carnival as the Space of Symbolic Representation of a Person

Zhanna Evgenievna VAVILOVA

Senior Teacher of the Chair of Philosophy of the Kazan State Power Engineering University

In today’s world, integration of absolutely all people in the global information space is not only possible, but has already happened. Similar to the Mediaeval carnival, hyper space becomes a truly versatile and available to everybody. This article considers Internet communications as the carnival phenomenon, where designations replace masquerade, change of outfit that allows a person to overcome dogmatism, alienation generated by the hierarchical pattern of the society, to contact people of all social strata, ranks, positions, and to become free.

Key words: computer-oriented communications, Internet, virtual self-representation, carnival, designations.

Ethnical Processes in the Global Information Space

NIKITINA Erbina Vitalyevna

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Ulyanov Chuvash State University

According to the article, ethnical processes in the global information space are of contradictory nature. On the one hand, standardization of life and single information space result in degradation of national languages and ethnical mentality. On the other hand, the Internet, together with mass media, ensures information and communication support for ethnicity retranslation.

In the information society, ethnicity that expresses cultural and biological diversity of the mankind is opposed with virtuality as post-biological form of existence of a person. Ethnicity outburst in the Internet era is accounted by the fact that traditional mentality enables modern people to “filter” information flows and find spiritual and moral guides in the world of telecommunications simulacrums.

Key words: Ethnicity, ethnical mentality, ethnical lingual processes, ethnically oriented mass media, the Internet, information society, virtual reality.

New Models of Distributing Local Variations of Pop Culture Values in the Context of the Information Society: South Korea Example

Dmitriy Igorevich KAMINCHENKO

Master of Political Science, Ph.D. student of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

The article considers proliferation of the Korean Wave in “new” mass media. The author draws attention to importance of both the phenomenon as such and “new” mass media technologies in the today’s world. The research is conducted considering the realia of the modern information society. To reach the set goals, the author researches how this phenomenon is presented in “new” mass media. He considers “new” media content related with Korean Wave products.

Key words: “new” mass media, Korean Wave, content, information society, pop culture.

The Internet in Brazil. Origins, Strategy, Development, and Governance. Chapter 2


Founding member, researcher and member of the Board of Directors,
Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics, Brazil

Brazil has been a leader in developing and implementing multi-stakeholder governance of the Internet, where government, private sector, academia, civil society organizations and Internet professionals perform this function. The book examines how the Internet came to Brazil, how it has developed, how it is governed, and why its future development is strategic for achieving national goals. This chapter deals with the last of these issues, presenting arguments for putting the Internet at the center of Brazil’s strategy for achieving better future.

Chapter 2 will be of a special interest to Russian readers, as it dwells in detail on the Brazilian Internet history, support system provided at the state and academic level, involvement of certain leaders and organizations aimed to connect Brazil to the Internet international network.

Keywords: Information and communication technologies, data communications, Special Secretariat for Informatics (Secretaria Especial de Informática – SEI), Department of Informatics and Automation Policy (Departamento de Política deInformática e Automatação - DEPIN), Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network architecture, TCP/IP, International Organization of Standards (ISO), Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics, ARPANET, National Computer Network Laboratory (Laboratório Nacional de Redes de Computadores – LARC), BITNET, National Research Network (RNP), Eco 92, in Rio de Janeiro, Internet service provision.

To the Issue of Choosing Technical Facilities Designed to Collect and Process Data of the National Population Census 2020

Oleg Vladimirovich MANZHULA

Deputy Head of Rosstat Directorate of Organization of Censuses and Total Surveys

The article considers choice of technical facilities designed to collect and process data at the stage of preparation to the National Population Census 2020 taking into account requirements of reliability, user-friendly experience, safety and confidentiality of information based on state-of-the-art information communications technologies. The article also provides methods of calculating peak load of the population census website and assessment of performance and functionality of tablet PCs, if used for the population census.

Key words: census, National Population Census 2020, efficiency, reliability, confidentiality, methods, functionality and performance, information communications technologies, Internet census.

журнала «Информационное общество»

© Информационное общество, 2014 вып. 5-6, с. 114-118.