Candidate of Science, Economics
Head of the Sector on the Financing and Organization of Science
Russian Scientific Research Institute of Economics, Politics and the Law in Science and Technology
An Information Society Economy: Illusions and Realities, Part 3
The article examines the structure of the world economy of the information society and the process of forming a world development front of the information society. Analysis is carried out of development dynamics of processes forming an information society in countries throughout the world according to official statistical observation for 2000-2006. The data presented shows that in the world by 2006, three groups of leading countries were formed and developing: American, European and Asian, which represent the world front of formation of the information society and essentially define the contents of development of its economy. Some contradictions in this process which can restrict replenishment of the structure for leading countries are revealed.
Doctor of Economic Sciences
Head of the Laboratory of Socioeconomic Issues of the Information Society Development of the Institute of Socioeconomic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences
Member of the Supervisory Board of Institute of the Information Society
Ershova Tatiana Viktorovna
General Director of the Institute of the Information Society
Editor-in-Chief of the “Information Society” Journal
High-level Advisor of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development
In this article an attempt has been made to analyze the main features of scientific and applied international and national research in different fields related to the (wide) range of issues of the “information society”, or the “knowledge society”, which has been conducted in the last 7-8 years (2003-2010). The reference point in this case was the World Summit on the Information Society held under the UN aegis, upon the results of which the strategic vision for processes of the information society development on a global scale was updated. The work highlights the current and prospective areas of research for this topic in Russia (including joint studies of Russian and international researchers) and justifies the necessity for their development and stimulation. A new area of research is also proposed – “Studies on the Social Consequences of ICT Dissemination”.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Doctorate student of the Department of Social and Ecological Systems Administration of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Education directed to the future
By following changes occurring in society, the developed knowledge system undergoes changes. The new educational paradigm formed takes the principles of morals, integrity and complexity as its basis. The ideas of synergy, successfully embodied in experimental pedagogical practice, demand substantial dialogue in the professional community and discussion of topical issues in contemporary education.
Kolin Konstantin Konstantinovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
Butsyk Sergey Vladimirovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts
On the Vocational Training in the field of Culture and Arts in the context of Information Society Development in Russia
The article is dedicated to the problems of adequate curricula content, as well as training research and pedagogical staff as an important part of forming a new information culture of Russian society under modern conditions. The authors examine the solution of these problems through the perspective of establishing research and education centres for the complex interdisciplinary problem, the “Information Society”. The article describes the structural models of such a centre in a cultural and arts university, gives a vector for research investigations and conferences that this centre could carry out and also gives examples of new training courses and electronic educational resources.
Senior Research Assistant
Institute of Information Technology, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Problems of Defining Jurisdiction as a Significant Aspect of Internet Regulation
The article examines one of the major problems complicating Internet regulation: definition of its jurisdiction. Positive and negative sides of applying various traditional principles and approaches to the Internet are analyzed. Complexities of applying traditional jurisdiction based on territorial principles of property that do not go into the parameters of time and location in the Internet are shown. Also, discrepancies between the global character of the Internet and national legislations are characterized. Possible solutions to the problem of jurisdiction in the Internet are indicated. With that aim, advantages and disadvantages of each issue are analyzed, such as the modernization of private international law, unification of national laws and arbitration uses. International initiatives in the specified process are investigated.
© Информационное общество, 2010, вып. 6, с. 66-67.