Лесли Хэддон
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3. Somerville, P. (1998). Explanations of Social Exclusion: Where does Housing Fit in?, Housing Studies, Vol.13, No.6, 761 – 780.
4. Blanc. M. (1998). Social Integration and Exclusion in France: Some Introductory Remarks from a Social Transaction Perspective, Housing Studies, Vol.13, No.6, 781 – 798.
5. Cook, S. (1990). A Particularly Valuable Service, in Willis, J. and Wollen, T.(eds) The Neglected Audience, London: BFI, 45 – 60.
6. Ratcliffe, P. (1998). «Race», Housing and Social Exlcusion, Housing Studies, Vol.13, No.6, 807 – 818.
7. Haddon, L. and Silverstone, R. (1995). Lone Parents and their Information and Communication Technologies. SPRU/CICT Report Series, No.12, Falmer: University of Sussex.
8. Haddon, L. and Silverstone, R. (1996). Information and Communication Technologies and the Young Elderly. SPRU/CICT Report Series No.13, Falmer: University of Sussex.
9. Hardey, M. and Crow, G. (eds) (1991). Lone Parenthood: Coping with Constraints and Making Opportunities. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
10. Bradshaw, J. and Millar, J. (1991). Lone Parent Families in the UK. Department of Social Security Research Report No.6, London: HMSO.
11. Hardey, M. (1989). Lone Parents and the Home in Allen, Graham and Crow (eds) Home and Family: Creating the Domestic Sphere, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 122 – 140.
_____________________________________ Лэсли Хэддон - профессор Лондонской школы экономики и политических наук Факультет медиа и коммуникации (Великобритания)
© Информационное общество, 2010, вып. 3, с. 32-35.