
E-Transformation: Evolutionary Challenges to Render South Africa a Digital Society


Director LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

The article on the background of the extensive statistical information shows the process of development of information society in South Africa. A marked differentiation of the population in terms of access to information and communication technology in general and the Internet in particular, due to sharp differences in income and the high cost of digital services. Attention is drawn to the lack of definition of public policies in this area.

Key words: digital society, innovative economy, electronic communications, e-infrastructure, Internet services, mobile communications.

Research Megatrends in the Information Society and Issues of Social and Cultural Security

BAEVA Ludmila Vladimirovna

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications, Head of the Philosophy Department, Astrakhan State University

The article presents an analysis of megatrends (the most promising fronts) in research programs in areas such as health and the uniqueness of life, new educational technologies, quality of life, e-culture and cultural security. Based on the analysis of statistical data on the development of information society in Russia the most significant challenges of the man and the society in terms of development of high technologies are characterized and the perspectives of possible studies in these areas are defined. This review can be used as an analytical material for the further development of issues in the field of social and humanitarian aspects of the high technology development in order to form a topic for future research.

Keywords: megatrends, information society, social and cultural security, quality of life, e-culture.

Transforming to a Networked Society

A Guide for Policy Makers

This text is a translation of the author's executive summary of the book ‘’Transforming to a Networked Society: Guide for Policy Makers / Nagy K. Hanna, Rene Summer. 2014. 105 p.’’


Strategic Advisor, Visiting Professor at University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University), South Africa

The article analyses goals, objectives and functions of government in the process of e-transformation and the formation of the networked society. The author pays attention to the painful process of implementing a new social paradigm; recommendations are formulated to overcome the barriers.

Key words: electronic (digital) transformation, network structure, innovation, digital technology, government.

Evolution of Mental Models in the Network Information Society

Yuliya Aleksandrovna KOBLOVA

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Institutional Economics, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (subsidiary), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The article researches general vector of informal institution transformations in the Internet era. While integrating in different social practices, Internet communications are shown to be able to change the shaped mental models. The author identifies tendencies of informal institutions’ evolution in the context of information society and economy.

Key words: informal institutions, mental models, ICT, network information economy, the Internet.

Developing Recommendations on Using the National Population Census Data Based on the Open Government Concept

Oleg Vladimirovich MANZHULA

Deputy Head of Directorate of Organization of Censuses and Solid Statistical Surveys, Federal State Statistics Service

The article considers key tasks of implementing principles of open and available data when conducting the National Population Census and distributing its results. The author has defined open state resource of statistics that is a set of shaped unified methodical, organizational principles and technology concepts of information databases.

Key words: National Population Census, technology, open data, monitoring, enhanced efficiency, information and communications technologies, open state resource of statistics.

Modern Society and Networking Society

Irina Vitalyevna LYSAK

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Southern Federal University, Member of the Russian Philosophical Society

Ludmila Fedorovna KOSENCHUK,

Head of Laboratory, Chair of Philosophy, Engineering Technology Academy, Southern Federal University

The article analyses basic approaches to modern society as a networking society Networking structure is considered as a decentralized set of interrelated nodes that is able to extend through including new nodes, thus attaching flexibility and dynamic properties to the network. In society, such “node” is a social entity that is able to process, accumulate and produce new information. With distribution of networking structures and networking logic in place, we can talk of currently shaping networking culture that has asynchronous, non-linear features, semantic and axiological pluralism, domination of publicity.

Key words: networking structures, social media, rhizome, networking society, networking culture.

Writing and Reading on Paper and on Screen

Olga Nikolaevna VERSHINSKAYA

Doctor of Economics, Head of the Laboratory of Social Problems of Information Society Development, Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences

The article presents preliminary results of research studying students’ preferences of reading and writing on paper or with digital media. The author concludes that for the most part young people clearly differentiate spheres of using traditional and new media.

Key words: interpersonal communication, media, virtual environment, social transformations, the Internet.

Regional Informatization: Powers Allocation Optimization

Efimov Alexey Borisovich

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,

Associate Professor of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Raikov Aleksander Nikolaevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laureate of the Russian Government Award in the field of Science and Technology, Director General of "Agency of New Strategies" Ltd.

Shubenkova Aleksandra Yuryevna

Candidate of Political Science, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Political Studies of High School of Economy

Infrastructure projects are an important part of municipal reform allowing increase manifold the efficiency of local governments. Such projects include the development of information systems on regional and municipal levels. Comprehensive analysis of the federal, regional and municipal legal framework regulating the activities of local authorities in the field of informatization indicates the need to achieve balance in the allocation of powers in the field of informatization on municipal level. The article proves the possibility and reasonability of the transfer of some powers in this area from the municipal level to the level of region of the Russian Federation.

Key words: informatization, public authority, local authority, powers, optimization, the region of the Russian Federation, the examination.

Information Society and the Phenomenon of Sliding Consumerism

Aleksey Nikolaevich ILYIN

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Applied Psychology, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Today’s world is often called information-focused, but it can be equally referred to as pseudo informational, since it gives rise to increasing flows of both information and disinformation. Information redundancy reduces the reflection level as a person is not able to process huge volumes of information. As a result, the phenomenon of information consumerism (sliding consumerism) comes to the forefront – non-reflexive, superficial, with no criteria of differentiating between truth and myth.

Key words: hyper informatization, pseudo information, information consumption (consumerism).

3D Graphic Reconstruction and Visualization of an Archeological Monument

Elena Aleksandrovna CHERNENKO

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chair of the Electric Power Engineering (Section of Applied Information Science), Khakass Technical Institute (subsidiary of the Siberian Federal University

The article considers importance of presenting graphic historical archeological information. Reconstruction and visualization of heritage sites shapes new information space. The results of 3D simulation allow to get an idea of archeological sites that existed earlier but now are fully or partially destroyed. The author consideres site reconstruction methods, and presents the simulation results.

Key words: graphical information, information society culture, computer graphics, 3D model, visualization.

Developing the Legislation on Official E-Publication of Regulations of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation

Ekaterina Sergeevna LUTSENKO

Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Rostov State University of Railways

Stanislav Vitalievich SKLIFUS

Candidate of Jurisprudence, Assistant Professor, Rostov State University of Railways

The article analyzes modern trends in using ICT to publish official legal information. The authors note enhanced availability of such information in such environment, as well as the need to unify sources of legal information used by different constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Key words: regulations, official publications of the regulations, methods of distributing legal information, e-publishing.

On the Issue of Fragmenting the Modern Media Landscape: Theory and Empirical Results

Mikhail Mikhailovich NAZAROV

Head of Department of Marketing Communications, Professor of the National Research University, Higher School of Economics

The author focuses on the phenomenon of media space fragmentation. Technology-related and social / economic pre-conditions are discussed, fragmentation consequences are considered in terms of perspectives of shaping new cultural / information environment. Interpretation of modern trends of media fragmentation in Russia based on empirical data analysis is offered. The author substantiates his opinion that theoretical ideas of fragmentation resulting in small closed audience groups are likely to be exaggerated. The idea of mass and niche media mutually complementing each other is the most realistic in short and mid-term.

Key words: media fragmentation, audience, going digital, media landscape transformation, television, the Internet.

PR Technologies as a Tool of Efficiently Promoting Youth State Programmes

Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaya, Professor, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

Tatiana Andreevna, Kipshara, Master’s Degree Student, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

The article considers different kinds of mass communications and their impact on shaping young adults and young families.

The authors also single out main functions of mass media in the context of their impact on young people and provide recommendations for shaping positively oriented, patriotic young-adult environment that would assist to strengthening the family as social institute based on Russian cultural traditions and moral and spiritual values.

Key words: state programmes for young adults, family institution, cultural traditions, moral and spiritual values.

Information Analysis of View Images of Urban Development

Vladimir Alekseevich NEMTINOV

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Head of Chair of Computer-Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering, Tambov State Technical University

Ivan Aleksandrovich GORELOV

Graduate Student, Chair of Computer-Integrated Systems in Mechanical Engineering, Tambov State Technical University

Maria Olegovna VOROBYOVA

Student, Tambov State Technical University

Authors consider main kinds of images used in different historical stages of drawing large plots of urban developments. They provide arguments in favour of images of cities and towns’ areas in the form of axonometric projections, with “zenith isometry” preferred. A lot of attention is paid to primary view sources, and their importance is emphasized in terms of information content required to later come over to CAD drawings of urban areas. The suggested approach to view images is illustrated with the example of stepwise drawing of Tambov’s central part.

Key words: information analysis, view image, urban planning, construction programme.

© Информационное общество, 2015 вып. 2-3, с. 119-122.