Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Conditions Must be Created to Enable Citizens to Receive e-Services without Difficulty
The information society is developing rapidly in Kazakhstan, especially in the field of e-government. The reason for this success is the modernization of public services and the active use of ICT. In order to develop ICT, a special free economic zone has been established, an institute for the development of IT has been opened, the regulatory framework is being improved and infrastructure is being created in order to provide access to the Internet, etc. In order to overcome the digital divide, computer literacy courses are being organized and public service centers are being set up. The government is encouraging the development of corporate e-services. In public policy emphasis is placed on socially important projects, such as those in the field of education.
Key words: development of the information society, electronic government services, corporate e-services, ICT infrastructure, eliminating the digital divide, computer literacy courses, public service centers, socially important projects.
PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Communication, Rutgers University
New Jersey, USA
Communication Perspectives on Social Networking and Citizen Journalism Challenges to Traditional Newspapers. Part II
Communication perspectives are presented on the challenges posed to traditional newspapers by social media and citizen journalism, with special reference to the United States. This is an important topic given the critical role investigative reporting, long the domain of newspapers, plays in fostering democratic practices. New Media and social networking technology are evaluated in terms of their impact on the newspaper enterprise. Alternative scenarios for future developments are examined as are the implications for social values and the role of an informed citizenry in democratic society. Strategic management issues are analyzed, and the possibility is considered that social media can fulfill much of the democracy-enhancing role served traditionally by newspapers.
Keywords: newspapers, news industry, social media, social networks, democracy, journalism.
PhD, Professor, Rector of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kocherga
PhD, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Personnel and Legal Support of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
The Role and Place of Business Education in the Modernization Processes of Today’s Russia
We are now no longer on the threshold of, but well within the information society, which is developing from the basis of information and communication technologies. Knowledge rapidly becomes obsolete, information is constantly getting renewed, and therefore the need has arisen for continual and accessible education. This fully applies also to business education.
Key words: globalization of the educational process, modernization of education, business education, ICT, e-learning, distance business education, continual learning.
PhD, Professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications,
Head of the Department of Philosophy of Astrakhan State University
Virtual Samsara: the Transformation of a Model of Reality in terms of Information Culture
In today’s society the virtual sphere is expanding and becoming a dominant field, forming a new kind of culture - electronic (digital) culture. Creating an e-culture is, in fact, a new kind of art, after the creation of a second nature - the world of things, humans created a third nature - the world of virtual phenomena, which is a form of synthesis of consciousness and modern high information technologies. However, the paradox is that modern humans exist in two illusory dimensions: one virtual (gaming or online communication), - valued as a true dimension, and the other the physically real dimension - in value terms the instrumental, accompanying, less important dimension.
Key words: virtual reality, informatization, values, anthropogenesis, samsara, karma, avatar, nirvana, illusoriness.
Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Economic Problems of the Kola Science Centre of the RAS
Information and Communication Technologies in Russia: the Challenges and Triumphs
The rate of development of information and communication technologies on the global market and in Russia is high. Russia’s strengths and weaknesses in the field of information technology are listed. The problem of the availability of high technology and the protection of intellectual property is addressed. The consequences of software legalization in Russia are defined. The specifics of contemporary politics in the informatization of the Russian socio-economic space are considered.
Key words: information and communication technologies, the protection of intellectual property, informatization, software legalization, free and proprietary software, Russian public policies
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Full Member of the American Mathematical Society
Member of the International Computer Society
Academician of the European Academy of Euroscience
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for Supercomputing Applications
Degtyarev Aleksandr Borisovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Professor of the Department of Computer Simulation and Multiprocessor Systems
Saint-Petersburg State University
Mareev Vladimir Vladimirovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Simulation and Multiprocessor Systems
Nechaev Yuriy Ivanovich
Professor of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technologies
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Flexible Dynamic Pooling of Resources or Service-Oriented Grid Computing
Setting computing problems is becoming increasingly difficult and practical demands require higher levels of precision. An adequate response to this can only be given in the paradigm of grid computing. However, its most popular version is not flexible enough to solve complex problems. The article shows how modern technology helps to modify the concept of the grid, and describes a prototype that is suitable for solving complex computational problems.
Key words: heterogeneous system, grid computing, grid, service-oriented architecture, virtual ground.
© Информационное общество, 2012 вып. 2, с. 75-77.