
Touré Hamadoun

Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union

It Can Be Said That We Are Now Entering a Real Information Society

Today ICT plays a key role in socio-economic development. Challenges in the formation and development of the information society that are particularly poignant are the overcoming of the digital divide, the access of women to ICT for their full social realization and broadband access to the Internet. In order to meet them infrastructure and content must be developed and security is an inseparable part of content. The International Telecommunication Union along with UNESCO and other UN agencies formed a Broadband Commission for Digital Development. The aim of the commission is for every country to have its own national plan for the development of broadband access, to harmonize national plans and provide for the exchange of leading experience and help with the accelerated implementation of UN Objectives on the threshold of the millennium.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, information society, infrastructure, content, digital divide, broadband Internet access, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), UN, UNESCO, Broadband Commission for Digital Development, UN Millennium Declaration.

Ronchi Alfredo M.
General Secretary, EC MEDICI Framework
Professor of Milan Polytechnic University

Electronic Government: Evolution or Revolution? Part 1

Examines various aspects of the term “electronic government”, regional characteristics of its implementation that are associated with a considerable transformation in the working process and the information flows conducted in government structures.
Keywords: electronic government, “national” aspects of the development of the electronic government, planning, making and implementing decisions, implementing the electronic government, transformation of the working process and information flows.

Karmanov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Doctor of Economic Sciences
Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Statistics
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

Smelov Pavel Alexandrovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Statistics
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

Internet Census of the Population: Innovation, Opportunities and Problems
In recent years there has been an increase in the focus on research associated with attempts to comprehensively analyse the role of innovative technologies in the life of modern society. In this respect a great deal of scientific and practical interest is being caused by trying to understand the opportunities and the problems of organising and conducting an Internet census of the population as one of the forms of the practical application of innovative technologies.
Keywords: population censuses, Internet census of the population, online census of the population, innovative technologies, innovative technologies in population censuses.

Alekperova Irada Yavar kyzy
Sectoral Head
Institute of Information Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

On Certain Approaches to Analyzing the Information Influence of Social Network Users

Examines the particular features of social networks, certain models of information influence between nodes and also approaches to determining the level of influence of agents. Evaluates the information archetype of social network users at the time of information influence.
Keywords: information war, information technologies, social networks, information influence, information archetype, agent.

Yachin Sergei Evgenyevich
Doctor of Philosophy
Head of the Department of Philosophy of the Far Eastern Federal University

Smirnova Marianna Yuryevna
Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy of the Far Eastern Federal University

From Expert to Epistemic Communities: Towards the Transformation of the Institutional Frameworks of Knowledge Power in the Modern World

In modern knowledge-based society the role of expert groups is fundamentally increasing. Epistemic communities are the next logical stage in the development of subjectivity of bearers of expert knowledge. Epistemic frameworks of specialists combine not only general knowledge and competence, but also general values. General knowledge and values determine the mechanism for the self-organisation of specialists and experts and the possibility of providing an influence on their part on the decisions of state bodies, interstate associations and transnational corporations.
Keywords: epistemic community, expert community, knowledge society, knowledge-based economy, foresight.

© Информационное общество, 2012 вып. 3, с. 60-61.