SLAVIN Boris Borisovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Professor, Department of Information Science for Business and Research Advisor, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes interconnection between stages of IT development and these of economic development of the society. The author has shown that stages of social development (industrial / postindustrial / information / knowledge society) may be used to classify management technologies (insourcing, outsourcing, crowdsourcing and noosourcing) and managed assets (resources, services, information and knowledge). Economic industries can be combined by technologies and managed assets, thus allowing to compare the respective information technologies. With analysis provided, one can more clearly position the role of IT in the organization depending on the management technologies it employs, and measure IT use maturity.
Information technologies, information society, knowledge society, management technologies, managed assets, economic industries.
ALEXEEVA Irina Yuryevna
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences; Chief Research Fellow, Institute for Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Manipulation-based socio-humanitarian technologies are widely used in the context of modern information wars. E-culture opens floodgates to activation of archaic worldview and behavior programs. The consciousness slides down from the level of systems thinking achieved by the mankind in the middle of the 20th century to the level of image association thinking that is relieved of the urge to understand the essence of phenomena in question. Shaping of modern meta culture of self-consciousness of the society requires development of non-manipulative technologies of consent that efficiently use electronic communication capabilities to improve situation in real world.
Humanitarian technologies , e-culture, information war, archaization of consciousness, intelligent sovereignty, meta culture of self-consciousness, non-manipulative technologies, technologies of consent.
TUZOVSKY Ivan Dmitrievich
Candidate of Cultural Studies; Research Fellow, Chelyabinsk State
Academy of Culture and Arts
The article is devoted to identifying social antagonisms caused by informatization processes that are usually related to the formation of the information society. Arising positive feedbacks between processes of informatization and dehumanization of the modern society are claimed to serve as the reason for deformation of the initial project of humanistic information society and for shaping a special kind of sociality, which can be characterized as a sacral information society or quasi-information society.
Social antagonism, disinformation society, quasi-information society, information overload, information noise contamination.
Information Dimension of Anthropologic Crisis of Civilization (to the Information Impact on a Person, Human Psychology and Biology)
ZHELNIN Anton Igorevich
Assistant, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Perm State University
The article considers information aspect of the civilization crisis. Informatization is of ambivalent effect on people. This is associated with excess of information that can result in stress, mental overload and dyscrasia of the nervous system. The latter can give rise to cascade of failures in other body systems. The author concludes that considerable part of human mental disorders and somatic diseases can be caused by information impact. The major way-out from the situation is seen not in restricting information flows, but in improving selective technologies through extending reasonable planning elements.
Anthropologic crisis, social and biological, mentality, information, entropy, information stress, neurotization, asthenization, information pathology; information ecology; homeostasis.
CHIZHOV Dmitriy Vyacheslavovich
Candidate of Political Sciences; Senior Research Fellow, Sholokhov Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS SMSUH)
Abstract: The article identifies and defines specific features of political views of Z digital generation; analyzes mechanisms of impacting political behavior of the Internet generation; considers specific features of political communication with representatives of Z generation.
Key words:
Z generation, Internet communications, political communication, communication tools, social networking.
IGNATOVA Ekaterina Sergeevna
Head, Department of Literature and Art, Scientific Library, Perm State National Research University
Scientific library, university library, information society, information technology.
KLOCHKOVA Elena Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor, Department of Industry and Business Statistics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
One of the strategic goals of the government is Russia being included in top 10 countries leading in information society development. The article considers key indicators of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2010-2014. The research purpose is to determine main tendencies in this field through using statistical assessments of state and dynamics of infrastructure of the information and telecommunication industry, information industry sectors, use of ICTs in economy and households, in interaction of the government with citizens and organizations. The information base of the research covers data of the Federal State Statistics Service, as well as indicators that are established in the state program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”, and by the International Telecommunication Union. The conclusions made can help to improve state ICT policy.
Information society, information telecommunication technologies, ICT development index.
© Информационное общество, 2015 вып. 6, с. 69-71.