

Pamela S. Passman

Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel

Global Corporate Affairs, Microsoft

Joining a Company Like Microsoft in 1996, One Really Didn’t Know Where the Journey Was Going to Head

In an interview with the Information Society Journal, Pamela Passman, corporate vice president for Microsoft, talks about the changes connected with the role that information technology plays in the development of society. ICT have new prospects for each sector of economy, for non-government and charitable organizations, for people with limited physical abilities, and also for people wanting to be among the economically active population. From the moment of its foundation, Microsoft has actively participated in public life, developing an information society and encouraging access to ICT worldwide.

Keywords: information society, ICT, Internet, intellectual property, broadband access, civil society, charitable initiatives, non-government organizations, information technology, innovations, Microsoft.

Irina Yuryevna Alekseeva
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
Leading Research Fellow
Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Knowledge Society: Russia’s Post-Capitalist Outlook

The ideas of a knowledge society and knowledge economy are interlinked with the idea of post-capitalism as a socio-economic system. The theme of the future knowledge society which is linked with the “discovery” of the circumstance that advanced societies of the West are no longer capitalist, but are in a stage of post-capitalism, is of special significance in modern Russia. The question of the role of Russian scientists in the creation of new culture complexes to change human understanding of the world and social practice is of relevance in discussions on the topic of forming an innovation culture. The concept of a knowledge society and an information society are closely linked, but not identical. The concept of a knowledge society contains characteristics which relate not only to the development of information and communication technologies, but, in principle, to the development of any other technologies. The prospect of a new technological revolution and the formation of a knowledge society such as NBICS Society are associated with the convergent development of nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive and socio-humanitarian technologies.

Key Words: knowledge society, post-capitalism, information society, innovation, society, economic development, science, innovation culture, behaviour programmes.

Ludmila Vladimirovna Baeva
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications, Head of the Philosophy Department
Astrakhan State University

Ethics and Axiology of Innovative Science
The author explores the values and ethical imperatives of modern, post-non-classical science, among which the following are of importance: information, self-organisation, integrity, security, ecology, globalisation etc. The forming of new priorities takes place under the influence of the new methodology (synergetic), the implementation of high technologies and social transformations under conditions of globalisation.

Key Words: high technologies, values, axio-dynamics, informatization, self-organisation, integrity, security, ecology, globalisation.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Lebedintseva
Candidate of Social Sciences
Assistant Professor of the Economic Sociology Department of the Faculty of Sociology
St. Petersburg State University
The Institute of Intellectual Property and the Information Society: a Problem Field

The article places emphasis on the question of whether market economics in its developed form as corporate capitalism affects the functioning of knowledge and information in society. A new and pressing problem is raised in connection with the development of ownership rights to information. However, with the sharp increase in the role of knowledge, private intellectual property from the condition of the development of economic production begins to turn into its brakes, as it places barriers on the path of a possible wider use of the main resource of modern production. Information and knowledge at the foundation of intellectual property are of significance as public goods and they should be examined within the framework of the economics of the public sector.

Key Words: information society, corporate capitalism, economic production, intellectual property, science, knowledge, information, intellectual work.

Yuliya Yuryevna Lektorova
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Political Science
Perm State University

Modernisation of the Political Elite in the Transition to the Information Society
The study of the political process in the context of the development of the information society is one of the current trends of modern political science. On a backdrop of the increasing interest of the authorities and society towards electronic communication channels, the prospects for virtualization of the political space are rather highly estimated. In this sense, setting the problem of modernising the political elite associated with the challenges of the new information society is justified.

Key Words: information society, political communication, modernisation, “new elite”

Irina Pavlovna Tsapenko
Doctor of Economic Sciences
Leading Research Fellow
Institute of Global Economics and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Municipal Psychological and Pedagogic University
ICT and the Global Mobility of Labour

The distribution of ICT is creating global changes on the labour market. The simultaneous increase in the inter-country mobility of labour and employment is one of the striking results of the changes associated with an increase in electronic employment. Creating information and communication conditions for the transition of a wide circle of workers and being directly linked with the formation of an extremely mobile contingent of specialists in the ICT field, these technologies stimulate the international migration of labour. The expansion of the international sourcing of services provided in the field of ICT and with the help of ICT in the process of telelabour of workers, who are outside of countries where clients are located, intensifies the global movement of jobs.

Key Words: ICT, mobility, migration, jobs, labour market, remote work, electronic employment, international sourcing of services.

Elena Aleksandrovna Shishkina
Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor
Astrakhan State Technical University
Information and Information Technologies in the Building of the Social Space and Environmental Culture

Information in the modern world is one of the most powerful mechanisms, able to control public consciousness and construct various models of social behaviour. Universal commercialization of consciousness significantly limits the possibility of informatization in reinforcing mental values, among which environmental culture occupies the most important position. In humanitarian sciences there is a demand for a wider use of information technologies as a methodological foundation for the perception and transformation of the socio-cultural and socio-natural space.

Key Words: information technologies, information culture, environmental culture, socio-cultural transformations.

© Информационное общество, 2011 вып. 2, с. 60-62.